Thursday, February 24, 2011

My sister

  I miss my sister SO badly these days that it hurts.  I think she's the one that can help me through tough times and then kick my butt when I need it too.  It is such a unique relationship that many can relate, but not totally understand.  The love - hate, the happy - sad, the push - pull away nature of sisters.  I want to help, but just end up being pushy or bossy instead of being a good listener.  The one person that knows things that you do not even know about yourself because they saw you grow up and change through time, yet stay the same at the same time.  In our family, we have a really hard time asking for help.  Sometimes that is the only thing that can help, but it just seems impossible to do.

  Really, what is the worst thing that can happen if you ask for help?  They say no?  Well, so what?  Then you can stay the course or just ask someone else.  A different perspective and skill set can only help sometimes, if they are willing.  I really did not appreciate the precious time I had with my sister and I think about her every day.  I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live next to each other and grill out or have dinners with each other all the time.  I missed seeing her kids grow up.  Oh, how time goes by so fast.  Faster and faster every year goes by.  Unreal.  My heart is happy to think about my sister and I hope she knows that she's great, she's good, she's wonderful.

Picacho Peak, AZ

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