Sunday, May 29, 2011

17 weeks and how life is changing

  And so the plans are already changing.  My uncle graciously thought of us and the stories I regaled him with over the last couple of years about my lifetime dream of going to a Yankees game.  He emailed me and said he had tickets to a game over Labor Day this year.  I was so excited I immediately emailed him and told him how excited I was at the prospect of my dream trip.

  One week later, I was making plans, like I tend to do, including an overnight visit to Washington D.C. and taking a (each way) 3.5 hr bus ride to NYC for the game.  My husband and I started talking about how I will be 32 weeks along at that time.  I will be substantially larger, more prone to needing a comfortable seat, breaks to walk around, access to food and a comfortable bathroom.  We ultimately decided that we should not go on the trip this year.  The 17 or more hours driving there would not be an easy trip either.  Maybe next year.

Plans and priorities change.  The cycle of life.  Speaking of which, a good friend who was due end of June ended up going into labor 4 weeks early and having a healthy baby boy.  Elliot James!  How cute.  So happy for the happy couple and their healthy baby.  Good sized for coming so early.  It was meant to be to spare his mommy a difficult large baby birth a month later.  Good stuff.  Good thing they were so prepared at home and work.  Cannot plan everything, that is for sure.  

My belly is starting to poke out more and I'm on the search for "the" maternity dress that will last for the long haul.  Hoping to hit Target on our next out of town trip.  Wish I could go to an Old Navy, but do not know when that will be.  At this point I really have to try things on to make sure they fit.  I can no longer eye-ball it anymore.  Shirts that I think will fit are snug or too tight at this point.  Crazy.  I feel good and am loving the prune juice these days.  Who knew?

             This was taken last weekend out at the lake :)

17 Weeks

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

How your life's changing:

You may also notice your eyes becoming drier. Using over-the-counter lubricating drops may help. If your contact lenses become uncomfortable, try wearing them for shorter stretches of time. If you still have discomfort, switch to glasses until after you give birth.Starting to feel a bit off balance? As your belly grows, your center of gravity changes, so you may begin to occasionally feel a little unsteady on your feet. Try to avoid situations with a high risk of falling. Wear low-heeled shoes to reduce your risk of taking a tumble; trauma to your abdomen could be dangerous for you and your baby. You'll also want to be sure to buckle up when you're in a car — keep the lap portion of the seat belt under your belly, drawn snugly across your hips, and also use the shoulder harness, which should fit snugly between your breasts.

Dreams During Pregnancy

Many women report that their dream life shifts into high gear during pregnancy. Interestingly, during the second and third trimesters, you spend less sleep time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the cycle in which most dreams occur. Why, then, all those frequent and vivid dream memories?
It's probably at least in part because you may be interrupting a dream-filled cycle when you wake up to pee, cope with heartburn, leg cramps, restless legs, or a backache, or to shift to a more comfortable position. Waking up during REM sleep makes you more likely to remember your dreams.

It may also be in part that dreams seem so vivid during pregnancy because for most women pregnancy is a time of such heightened emotions — from joy to apprehension and everything in between — but no one really knows for sure.
Here's a look at some common themes and what they may mean, according to Patricia Garfield, a clinical psychologist and author ofWomen's Bodies, Women's Dreams.
You're caring for baby animals. During the second trimester, many pregnant women dream about cuddly, baby-like animals, such as puppies, chicks, and kittens. Friendly creatures in your dreams are generally thought to signify that you're tuned in to your instincts. Menacing animals, on the other hand, may represent ambivalence about the strange new creature entering your life.
You have a sexy encounter with an old flame. Many mothers-to-be are concerned about their changing figure and its effect on their sex life — while many others feel more sexually charged than ever. Both feelings are often reflected in your dreams. Not only do erotic dreams offer comforting reassurance, but they may mirror the sexiness you feel during your waking hours, too.
Your mate is straying. If you dream that your partner hooks up with an ex-girlfriend or a total stranger, it can signal insecurity about holding his love and attention through a time of great change. Right now, you're dependent on the goodwill and support of those around you, especially your partner. Fearing his loss is a common emotional reaction to being pregnant.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Shopping Time

And now the belly is dictating the clothing choices.   I figured out I cannot fake the fit of anything anymore.  My clothes being too snug on my belly actually changed my digestion and became painful.  I learned my lessen and Tony took me "stretchy" pants and night shirt shopping.  His idea of "sexy" pregnancy is a legit pair of sweatpants.  Never did I imagine that I would buy sweatpants, but they will make him happy so I'm going to give them a shot.  At least they should keep me comfy behind closed doors.

I was excited to hit sales and get unexpected discounts on our purchases.  I do not want to go overboard buying pregnancy clothes, but I want something that fits me, can grow with me and is reasonably priced.  I want to find that perfect dress that goes from semi formal to casual party events.  My husband is so sweet to me.  He is taking care of me better than I could have expected through all of this.  I do not know how he is going to keep it up for the next many months, but I am grateful that he is doing what he can with the time that he has.  So many projects that he is working on and plans on having done before the baby comes.  He is full steam ahead.  Without my being able to help him, he is a one man working crew.  Nice to have around.

No thunderstorms came our way, but we got a good soaking of rain.  Yesterday I washed 2 of our cars and planted a bed of flowers.  I started to weed our garden, but the sun and time crouching and bending over got to me and I tired out.  I sat down and consumed the first dark cherries of the year.  Oh so love the fruit of summer.  I cannot wait for summer to come as Spring is wreaking havoc on my sinusitis and allergies.  Time for Neil Med Rinse.  Good night all.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Let the fluttering begin

 Oh I knew there would be a day that this whole having a baby growing inside of me would become real and I believe that day arrived May 18th 2011.  I felt the movement or what most call a "flutter" in my belly while sitting in this very chair, typing on this very computer.  It actually took my breath away.  It surprised me and I did not know what to think.  I immediately went out to the shed/garage where Tony was working and told him.  He, with his bright eyes, glowed and kissed me.  So fun.

  That night, when I laid down to go to sleep, I again felt that same movement as I did before when I was laying on my back.  It seems this baby has been firmly rooted in my body from the start and this was meant to be.  The next day I went to my next doctor's appointment.  I measured right on time for size and weight.  The doppler is the most fun and exhilarating part.  Hearing the heartbeat is just the most definitive sign to me that the life that has started inside of me is beating to it's own drum and is thriving. 

  Today, the fluttering lasted multiple minutes, rather than a fleeting moment.  On and off multiple times.  I know this will just progress to be more frequent and intense through time.  Just the "beginning" as though these last 16 weeks have just been a peek or precursor. Every symptom in the book is now narrowed down, but at least lessened.  Other symptoms are here to stay, but are no less intense.  Fun stuff.

  My throat hurts and I do not feel like doing anything on this glorious, 75 degree, sunshiny, blooming fantastic day.  I want to go out and play, but don't feel like it.  I plan to force myself to go grill food out at the property tonight.  How fun.  I want to muster the energy to take a walk.  I cry at the drop of a hat, this Grey's Anatomy season finale is just pushing my buttons.  Ugh.  Ha ha. 


How your baby's growing:

Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.

How your life's changing:

The top of your uterus is about halfway between your pubic bone and your navel, and the round ligaments that support it are thickening and stretching as it grows. You're probably feeling a whole lot better as you settle into pregnancy, too. Less nausea, fewer mood swings, and "glowing" skin contribute to an overall sense of well-being.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Walk In The Sunshine

Oh what a glorious day!  Slept in, woke to the sun shining and no clouds in sight.  Donuts for breakfast, salad for lunch and almond toast for dinner with Neapolitan ice cream with angel food cake for dessert.  In the office, there is always something going on.  I learn something new everyday.  The experiences from stories are priceless from other professionals. 

 Ugh, another headache.  My headaches have indicated hunger recently.  I thought I ate enough for dinner.  I guess not.  One more apple for the day I guess.  On to taking my walk.  The sun shining.  A slight breeze in my hair.  The clarity of each crunch underneath each step of my shoes.  The sweet smell of grass, flowers and blooming plants.  Ahh, it makes me feel alive.  The essence of happiness and life in a simple half hour walk by myself. 

 I think about many things.  My future baby shower, who does not know my news yet, the new noises my car is making, Glee, Nurse Jackie, Tony working on the roof of the shed/garage, signing up for a swim aerobics, getting my Shiva Rea pregnancy yoga DVD tomorrow, how I want to run and dance, but need to be careful these days.  I look forward to yoga tomorrow after a deep sleep and the working.  Ah, how life will change.  I'm making plans for everything to do with before I have my baby, but not for afterwards yet.  I guess I better get reading and preparing, but I'm giving myself another month before I bother.  I'm going to take one day at a time.  I can hear Tony's hammer calling me outside.  Time to enjoy.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

15 weeks... I need to take more pictures!

15 Weeks...

How your baby's growing:

Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")

How your life's changing:

  You've probably gained about 5 pounds by now (a little more or less is fine, too) and are well into the swing of your pregnancy, but you may still be surprised by an unexpected symptom now and then. If your nose is stuffed up, for instance, you can probably chalk it up to the combined effect of hormonal changes and increased blood flow to your mucous membranes. This condition is so common, there's even a name for it: "rhinitis of pregnancy." Some pregnant women also suffer nosebleeds as a result of increased blood volume and blood vessel expansion in the nose.
If you're having amniocentesis, it'll most likely happen between now and 18 weeks. This test can identify hundreds of genetic and chromosomal disorders. If you're getting very anxious while waiting for the results, it may help to know that most women who undergo amniocentesis get good news about their babies — bringing welcome relief from their worries.
Don't be surprised if you and your partner are feeling a little stressed out these days. Many pregnant couples worry about their baby's health and how they'll handle the changes ahead. But with physical discomforts on the wane and energy on the rise, this is also a wonderful trimester for most women.

3 Questions about feeling your baby move

Feeling those first flutters and kicks is one of the most amazing experiences of pregnancy. Here's how much longer you'll have to wait and what to expect when your baby finally gets big and strong enough to let you know she's in there.


When will I first feel my baby move? You'll probably feel your baby move sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, even though she started moving at 7 or 8 weeks and you may have already witnessed her acrobatics if you've had an ultrasound. Veteran moms tend to notice those first subtle kicks and jabs — also known as "quickening" — earlier than first-time moms. (A woman who's been pregnant before can more easily distinguish her baby's movements from other belly rumblings, such as gas.) Your build may also have something to do with when you'll be able to tell a left jab from a hunger pang. Thinner women tend to feel movement earlier.


What will those first movements feel like? Women have described the sensation as being like popcorn popping, a goldfish swimming around, butterflies fluttering, a tapping sensation, and bubbles. You'll probably chalk up those first gentle movements in your belly to gas or hunger pangs, but once you start feeling them more regularly, you'll recognize the difference. You're more likely to feel these early movements when you're sitting or lying quietly.


When should I worry about my baby's movements? Although your baby is moving around plenty already, many of his jerks and jolts aren't yet strong enough for you to feel. Later in the second trimester, his kicks will become stronger and you'll start to feel them regularly. At that point, pay attention to them and let your practitioner know right away if you notice a decrease in your baby's movement. Less movement may signal a problem, and you'll need a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your baby's condition. Once you're in your third trimester, some practitioners will recommend that you spend some time each day counting your baby's kicks.

Saturday Night Is Back

  So I did not get everything I wanted to get accomplished today done, but I feel good about my day and am energized to get even more done tomorrow.  My laundry and dishes are on their way.  My organization and gardening are yet to get started.  I have a good feeling about the chores ahead though.  Loved Skyping with my sister and getting to have dinner and drinks with an old high school classmate of my husband's at the Library, Downtowner and now the Monte without me.

  I am ready for bed.  I have skin itching, bladder full and just got in today my new under garments meant to get me through until month 8 hopefully.  Loving my new body pillow to sleep with!  Where has this pillow been all my life?  It took me pregnancy to find such wonderfulness.  My belly is poking out more and more as it relaxes.  I am still just at the "full" looking stage, but the big belly will come soon enough I expect.  I just found out my uncle set up tickets to a Yankees game and planned our whole trip for us to go to Washington D.C. and New York.  It sounds like the trip I've been dreaming about.  I really hope all goes well to make that happen!  So exciting!

  While listening to Fringe right now, I think life is much simpler and complex than I care to contemplate and everybody's family is messed up in some way.  There is a range of "normal," but we are all variations on a spectrum of such.  I think listening to others talk about their family and be frank about their experiences and situations makes me feel good that I am not alone in the strangeness of my family relationships.  It's a good feeling of connectedness and dislocation at the same time. 

  Fun fact: one definition of bog is toilet.  Food for thought for this day.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Good Day for Mother's Day

  I celebrate my other mother on this day and love sending sweet flowers to her for all the memories and nurturing she helped me through growing up.  Church makes me think of the grand scope of the planet, spiritualism and the inside out me.  On Mother's Day, however, there was a kid kicking my seat and spitting on me while making putting noises the whole service.  The mother did not discipline her son once in the whole time.  It got me thinking about parenting styles and what type of parent I will be.

  Spending quality time with my husband's cousin and his wife out at the property in their new house with their two gorgeous daughters was the highlight of my day.  Gorgeous sunset reminds me of why I am alive.  To appreciate the finer things in life that are free.  I just love hearing Jordin's squeal of pleasure while playing outside and chasing bubbles in the air.  Holding baby Sawyer was sweet for her to relax in my arms and sleep.  So fun to speak to people that appreciate our company.  I will remember these days of going home at all hours of the night and remembering the laughs and sound of their voices.

  Mother's day makes me miss my family also.  It makes me wonder how they are doing and what they are up to.  I miss spending holidays with my sister and her kids.  I miss hearing those familiar voices and rhythm of holidays that are unique to those that I am related to.  Next year, this day will be dedicated to me and the joy of life that I plan to bring into the world.  What a feet that will be.  So many have done it before me and so many will do that after me, but this is my miracle.  Our miracle really.  Time for bed again.  Ah, sweet.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Baby Shower day

 It was a beautiful Spring day complete with freshly hatched gnats and other flying insects.  The sun shining, a slight breeze and beautifully decorated house with a nest theme for the baby shower for baby Pf. The spread was magnificent, the cupcakes divine!  The cupcakes were lemon with a drop of raspberry jam at the bottom, topped with butter cream and toasted coconut and 3 delicious jelly beans of an unusual variety.  The house soon filled up with upwards of 40-50 women.  I counted at least 4 expecting women in attendance.  The grandmothers and great aunt had their perfect hair for the occasion.  The presents gathered on top of the living room table, overflowing onto the floor.

  The woman of the hour, the mommy to be, looked radiant and glowing with excitement, expectation, determination and the to do list playing in the back of her mind at all times.  She gracefully greeted as many people as possible and headed the buffet of lunch that was provided.  Everyone full of delights, she opened presents and thoughtfully identified and thanked each person for their book themed presents.  Some did not play by the rules and included clothes, toys, etc., but those of us that did play by the rules still got the gratification of adding to the library of this unborn child.  Most all of the must have books were there.  The ones that did not make it were "Pat the Bunny" and the Harry Potter series.  Those can be easily remedied though.

  What a joyful group!  Afterwards, we got to visit with the happy couple for a short time before starting the 3 hour drive home.  We did see some sprinkles on the way home, but happily an uneventful drive.  Exhausted now, I am ready for my head to hit the pillow.  Happy to celebrate with a woman that is so beautiful and also finally poking out more substantially these days.  I loved her dress and think I must procure one for myself.  Sweet spring day.  Good night all.  Dream well.

Steph and I

Friday, May 6, 2011

What it's all about...

  Pregnancy is all about propping yourself in the proper angle for comfort and getting good hydration all the time.  It is also living much like an infant: sleep, pee, sleep, pee, eat, eat, sleep, eat, pee and sleep again.  All the attempt at working, cleaning and adult activities are just a blur.  I think as sick as I am of taking horse pill vitamins, I know I have to take them for the health of both of us.  So happy to have a belly that fits in none of my regular pants and it is no longer concealable underneath normal shirts anymore.  I think as time goes by this is happening much faster than I could have imagined.  If this is how fast time is going by now, I cannot imagine the speed as to which giving birth will come after I have a large belly.  Whoa!
  I thought I would have all this time to read, plan and prepare, but I have a feeling that all of these things will come in fits and spurts at best.  Time for bed!  I love that Tony was juicing for me when I came home from the office today.  Love the carrot, celery and apple juice from scratch.  Good stuff.  I hope it helps with my skin and prevents stretch marks as the old wives' tale states.  I am not holding my breath, but it is still all in good fun.  Good night my little boy or girl!  Whatever curve life will throw me next, I hope it is a good one having to do with my degree ;)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laden is dead

  Boy, this almost a decade to find and kill the impetus to the 9/11/01 attacks on America is ridiculous.  He was not in some remote, mountainous area.  He was comfortably in a Pakistani town with a safe house that became a strong hold for years.  He lived with his family and ran operations through no internet or phone.  With the technology today, it is amazing to me that this took so long to track down one guy.

  With all of that being said, I am glad that they found him and he is not alive anymore to spread his ideals to others.  I fear those that will want repercussions for his death, including his young children and followers.  This opens up more terror from other fronts in the future as well.  There may be future attacks planned by others, but we really got ourselves in this mess from years of giving to one side and then turning around and calling them our enemies.  There is no sure-fire way of ending this war, especially with Osama deceased, what will indicate the end of the war?  Does the government have a definition of what signifies the end of this war?  I really do not think so.  As happy as I am to say I do not want or have to go oversees and fight for America.  I am grateful and respectful of those that step up and go do that job.  Thank you to all the armed forces and the men and women that take on that extremely difficult task of securing a future for Americans and others across the world.

  Cheers to May 1st, 2011 as I sat with my husband watching television when the news special report flashed across the screen.  Just 2 days after the royal wedding in Britain, Osama is gone.  A small bit of justice for those that suffered in the 9/11 attacks.  I am certain the taste of a victory was sweet to those that got to pull of a successful mission with such far reaching aftermath as finding Osama and getting to do the job personally.  I hope they get free beer or whatever beverage they want for the rest of their life.  Cheers.