Friday, August 23, 2013

New House

I have moved many times in my life.  I have not really felt like home many times, however.  Sometimes you move into a house and it feels like you are still a guest and it is never really home.  You know it's temporary and that you will be moving again, possibly soon.  When a place feels like home it just fits and feels natural from the beginning.  Our home we are moving from felt right in that the home gave me a positive vibe and was meant for me to live there for some reason.  This house, though we are not fully moved into it yet, already feels like a natural fit.  It feels like we have been living here for a long time already.  The sights are familiar and almost deja vu for the living room.  I feel like years spent here will be like home.

I want to make this place for our family, but I realize we can count our living here by the days, just as we can on our youngest's life so far.  It feels like Brian's been around for a long time, but it has not even been 3 months yet.  He is an old soul for sure.  Definitely meant to be mine and in my life.  Both boys will be strapping men when they are grown and I can already see the different personalities coming out.  I am excited to see them grow, but I know how precious this time is moving into a new home and to have a new baby.

I have been thinking about how my time will be best spent and it is with my family and not wondering about how other people fit into our family life.  Whatever the natural fit is for other people in our lives will just happen.  I am excited to move on to a "normal" routine in this house and want this long, drawn out move to be over.  I want to get on to enjoying the yard, house and neighborhood.  Love taking walks already.  Good for me hills and places to stop and play along the way.  Summer is a wasting.  Time to enjoy!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013


Need  help moving if this will ever get completed.  It feels like it will never end.

Love my boys!!!

21 Months Adam & 2 Months Brian


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Busy Bee

No sleep for the weary.  I have been running and gunning to pack and move daily and entertaining a baby at night.  Ah, the spice of life.  There is never a good time to move or have a baby, let alone both. We have large furniture to move and we are not quite half way moved out of our house.  There do not seem to be enough hours in the day.  The moving part is not the difficulty, it is the packing part that makes this process slow.  Baby holders are so much appreciated these days.  Brian needs to feel the love and it does take a village.  Poor over tired, under fed Adam.  He is such a growing boy who just wants to play hard, eat hearty and to sleep hard.  This transition is difficult for him, but happily it will not last forever and we will be back in the swing of a schedule again.  He has been such a trooper.

Brian is 2 months old already!  He is growing and getting more active and smart every day.  It is amazing to see the process in fast forward compared to the first baby.  He is his own man and to sit back and see the differences in these boys is amazing.  I love Adam, but the love I have for Brian is different and geared specially for each child.  It will be fun once they can play together.  It was like Brian was born to be Adam's playmate.  He already loves watching him no matter what he is doing and Adam already rough-houses with him.  Love it.  Brian is figuring out how to self soothe and to sleep on his back.  Oh, I cannot wait until he learns those skills and sleeps like more of a champ than he already is.  Wonderful.  Bed time, more moving going on later today.  Loving the new house.  I so look forward to the first night we get to sleep in it.  Maybe this weekend :)