Monday, October 22, 2012

Oh So Much Going On

  Oh my goodness.  All the travel and illness in this family, it has been hard to keep up.  To top it off, the snow and cold are coming at the end of this week.  On Tony's birthday no less.  Got great things accomplished with his help, but we cannot get Adam to sleep.  I do not know what the problem is.  There is really a plethora of reasons why he is not sleeping, teething, inability to breathe well, does not feel good, too hot, too cold, misses his parents, wants to walk/move around but is supposed to be sleeping, hungry, thirsty, etc.  I cannot know what the problem is as he cannot tell me, unfortunately.  I also cannot solve it all and getting up every 1-3 hours for .5-3 hours in the middle of the night is ridiculous.  I know this shall pass, but I want a solution now.

  Officially a big boy and back to eating normally today, still not drinking enough.  Poor thing.  I just want him to be healthy and to feel better.  Now he has diaper rash and cold symptoms after going through that brutal bout with a virus, we think.  He will be one years old in only a couple of weeks and I am not ready.  I want a quiet birthday, but such as life, I know people want to celebrate too.  I am still not used to big birthdays.  I was used to immediate family only and a handful, if that, of presents.  What a joy this boy.  Hoping we can get his chin to heal by then with the bandaids and mittens he has to wear these days.  We shall see.

  Gorgeous days the last 3 days.  Wish they could continue like that for a month.  Not in the cards though.  Look forward to a cute Batman for Halloween.  So fun :)  I know he cannot tolerate hats or stuff on his face for we will see how many pictures I get before he tears the costume off.  Hah.  Time to dream.  Dreamt of my sister last night.  Sending her good thoughts today.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall Is Going, Going,...

What a beautiful walk today!  Despite the cool wind blowing (we just covered up), we walked for almost 2 hours.  Beautiful colors despite the wind.  The leaves are hanging on more than I thought they would.  Adam was snuggled in the stroller and could not fall asleep as he enjoyed the excitement too much.  He crashed when we got home though.

Adam's impetigo on his chin is full blown again.  Looks terrible.  It went from almost gone to just as bad as it has been.  I do not know what I am going to do to get him to heal.  He only has 3 days of antibiotics left!  Poor guy cannot stop scratching and picking at it.  I may have to make him wear mittens.  I am sure he will love that.

What a blessing to have this family.  Tony made me delicious chicken (salt, pepper and brown sugar) and fantastic cookies (dried cherry oatmeal).  So wonderful.  Adam is sweet, funny and in such a good mood today.  Those teeth do sometimes get the best of him, but today he just drooled and was spit talking.  Love watching him enjoy his chicken meals that are his favorite.  Eleven months old tomorrow!!!  So happy.

On the road again this week. I know Adam is not excited, but we hope to enjoy the festivities and to have clear travel weather.  The snow and ice pellets this weekend were enough to drive me inside.  Hope to not have that when we go.  The bone chilling wind was terrible.  Not a good way to go towards winter so abruptly.  I wanted to hold off passed Halloween for parties and the like.  Who knows.

GO YANKEES!! in the playoffs.  Just a couple of weeks ago we were there.  We saw a win.   Hope we get one tonight.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fall In The Copper Country

  Fall in the Copper Country is really the best this year.  Gorgeous, warm, fantastic colors and smells of beauty.  I knew Adam would love it  Fun in the leaves.  He did not like the taste. Hah, learned that lesson fast and well.  :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


 Adam is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  It is like he knows what I need and makes me do it.  He does not demand it, he just leads me in that direction.  Like, now I just sleep.  No more doing other things, I would rather sleep than most anything else anymore.  Also, now I have to feed him what I am eating so I eat more healthy and cook more often.  I plan ahead and make sure everyone can enjoy the fun.

I know the next year will be so different with him getting more independent and not being my baby anymore.  He will be a big boy.  Sad to see him so big, but so happy he is getting smarter and more on the move every day.  I am so grateful he has waited to full on walk.  This has bought me time to baby proof and time to clean the clutter from my house.  Something else I have needed to do.  He changed my perspective on the world for good and I cannot help but be so grateful for every second I get to spend time with him.  He is made to be with my in my life.  I hope that will always be.

Off to bed with the big moon out.  Gorgeous!