Tuesday, January 25, 2011

To massage or not to massage, that is the question

  We forge the chains we wear in life. - Charles Dickens
The power of positive thinking and "willing" something positive to come true, I have found, has to go down to your soul.  If you are not ready for it circumstances will not present themselves to make it happen.  If it was not meant to be then other opportunities or experiences will come your way.  I am trying on new chains these days, ones that do not include, hate, anger, shame, sorrow, jealousy and desire for revenge.  Instead I am trying on brand spanking and sparkling new chains that are hope, optimism, gratitude, happiness, friendship, forgiveness and fortitude.  These are what I want to keep tightly wrapped around me, especially in times of need.  I find that my muscles are relaxing the less stress I have and the less stress I put upon myself.  No one else is stressing me out, I am.  No one else cares I am self-deprecating, I do.  I am my own worst critic.  No one else could say anything that is something worse than I have either already told myself or that I put myself through already.  This life is not about what I want, I want, I want it is about what I need, I need, I need.  For instance I am in the process of seeing multiple practitioners of various health related fields and I am the only one that can say whether I am benefiting from them or not, judging by how I feel and look.  I now have to decide if I want to wean off of a certain practitioner in lieu of another one, or do I split my time between them and try to reap the differed benefits they each can provide.  
  Does one give me more benefit for the cost of money and time I spend with them than the other person?  Since I have more loyalty and time with one versus a new person do I "owe" it to the one I have seen longer to obligatorily still keep seeing them despite not really wanting to?  Well, between the various masseuses, chiropractors, acupuncturist, nutritionist, physicians etc. I need to draw the line somewhere.  I decided that, until the new practitioner can prove to me they are more beneficial than the previous one of their kind, I am going to split my time and the cost between them to see who helps me make more progress.  I feel that I am glad to have options and those that can help me are only in my life to see me through the time that they have me scheduled for.  I am excited about the progress I have made in the last month since my surgery.  How time flies! 
  The massage and haircut I had today really helped me see how different practitioners are and how nice it is to have a compassionate and helpful person to work with.  I feel more "flow" through my body and can tell a difference immediately after and throughout the rest of the day.  I cannot go straight to workout directly after a massage.  I have done that before after an acupuncture appointment and I sprained both my ankles because my muscles were so relaxed and super stretchy I placed too much lateral forces on them while wearing shoes with no ankle support.  I learned that lesson and will not ever do that again!  I am going to hydrate and let the hydration take effect for a couple of hours before I even think of working out.  Stretching on the other hand, is what I am going to do for the next half hour.  The perfect time.  Too bad it is so cold on my floor and I have to bundle up just to stretch.  Massage is a special experience that I do not understand those in this life that have never had one can function without getting a good massage therapist.  I am glad to have discovered it and will happily incorporate massage into my life for as long as I live.  There is really no substitute for it.  Acupuncture is a whole other beast and that too I will not live without.  A dire necessity for keeping my body in prime running condition and correcting where I need it.  Have a great day with the wind curving through your hair if you are lucky.

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