Sunday, January 16, 2011

The never ending to do list

  A couple of months ago I sat down and made a master to do list that was 6 years coming for some parts of it.  The list had over 100 things on it.  It ranged from small things, like buy bananas to big things, like completely cleaning the 6 years of cobwebs, sawdust and coal dust from every inch of our basement that who knew how long it would take to complete.  Within 2 months I completed all but 5 things on the list.  It was harrowing as I couldn't get much of it done in such a long time and then in a seemingly short period of time I accomplished a great deal.
  I felt such elation, such accomplishment, such a weight lifted off of my shoulders.  With that being said those 5 things loomed over me like a monster's shadow.  That shadow followed me every day and everywhere I went.  Today, another month later, I decided to keep an ongoing master to do list that I would then be able to look back and see all that I had accomplished and all that I had the potential to do.  Also, the big things that would take a long time to do would not seem so daunting if I broke them down into smaller steps.  Looking at the list those 5 things left over, now dwarfed by the other 50 things I just added behind them, it just seems that I can choose how I want to spend my time and otherwise not waste my time.  Always moving forward.  I can look back, but positively.
  It dawned on me that this list will never end and life is about choices and prioritizing and maximizing my time.  I am ready to take on whatever big step or challenge that comes my way.  I'm looking into the support that will catch me if I stumble or fall.  I cannot help but smile because every day is a gift, a triumph, another sunset to watch in awe and enjoyment.  I'm looking for more and more everyday.  I think when my days are filled without care of TV schedules or housework I can truly be head up and striding forward without hesitation.  I can actually look forward to what the curve ball will be coming at me tomorrow.
Goodnight sweet progress of that curve.  

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