Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Derailed yesterday and totally dismayed by it

This is what sidelined me yesterday.  I woke with pain behind my eyes, at my temples and spanning the middle of the entire distance of my forehead.  It was a dull ache that turned into a throb ache within a half an hour of being awake.  I ate breakfast and had some hot tea to try and steam out the sinuses.  I went to have my massage and haircut with some Deep Relief roll-on oils from Young Living spread all  over my forehead and temples areas.  The oils give me a nice tingling feeling on my skin and I can breathe deeper with the vapors infiltrating my nasal sinuses.  After facing downwards on the massage pillow, all of my oils are rubbed away and I lose their effects immediately.  Throughout the haircut I am squinty, due to the pain, and get a little dizzy with the chair moving up and down, side to side.  I make it out of there and drive straight home.
  I immediately warm water for my Neil Med to use to rinse my sinuses.  The rinse takes 10-30 minutes to cut my sinus pain in half, going back to a dull ache.  I decide to fore go working out as the pressure would be sure to increase my pain again so I opt for household chores.  I put a movie on and proceed to clean, return phone calls and emails.  Before I know it it is time to make dinner.  I put on rice in the rice maker and defrosted then cooked some buffalo bratwurst for my husband to eat for dinner.  By now my  head had hurt so long I am starting to wonder if it is more than just a headache.  I have had hives the last 2 days on my neck, just randomly timed so I was not sure as to their cause.  Now that I think about it maybe the hives and sinus pain are related.
  I have had a theory that I am sensitive to foods, as in dairy, wheat, corn, etc.  I have been indulging in junk food the last 3 days and wonder if that is the culprit of my problems.  That said junk food has been... Twinkies.  I bought a box of them and could not stop eating them with every meal.  I get on these kicks, where I indulge in whatever I want to eat to appease my taste buds, so I can move on from that desire and not deprive myself, leading to further eating of food I do not actually want.  Twinkies, however, are very wheat filled and I did not think about that when I ate them.  This could be the cause of all my discomfort.  Sinus inflammation and hives are both signs of allergy.  So, I gave up and decided that I must take a Benadryl to treat my symptoms as I could not retrieve the last days of Twinkies out of my system, I just had to wait that part out.
  The only thing that happened after I took the Benadryl was that I got really sleepy with my headache and laid on the floor with a yoga pillow and started to fall asleep.  I took this as a sign of waking on the floor an hour later that I should just go to bed.  I got ready for bed quickly and my head hit the pillow at just before 8:30 PM last night.  I slept until 9 AM this morning.  That is 12.5 hours of sleep!  Why does my body do this to me?  I want to get up for a fun filled productive day and I sleep and sleep?!  Well, I must have needed the rest and it was nature's way of saying to slow down.  I am without sinus pain today, just have the beginnings of sinus drainage now.  This is a welcomed improvement compared to yesterday.  I am off to throw away those Twinkies and get some good rice based lunch that will nourish me through many ways, none of which are allergic.  Ta ta for now my curve ball of life.

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