Sunday, January 23, 2011

Not much reading going on

  Well, I have been globe trotting this weekend and have not had a stable schedule to read much.  Lots of car time and on the go.  I have found that this undercurrent of excitement and happiness for potential in my life has infiltrated the back of my mind.  I am going through what I want and making that a priority.  I am contacting the people I want to talk to, I am enjoying meeting as many new people as I can, I am having fun at every given opportunity and fitting in TV/movies only when convenient.  The snow is not impeding my life, despite the -13 degrees we woke up to on Saturday.
  Girlfriends need girlfriends for happy mental health.  There is nothing like a good talk with your girlfriends.  I'm finding the girlfriend that is not open to others is in need of a therapist.  Women need an outlet that is not the men in their life.  I have a couple girlfriends that are in dire need, but will not open up to anyone.  I know everyone has to move at their own pace and through their own time will figure out  when they can cope enough to open up.  I can tell you from my own experience that finally opening up was the best thing that I could have done.  It took me a long time.  Too long, to open up to anyone, let alone girlfriends that could be a positive force in my life.  However, I had no idea that they would be positive until I opened up to them.  I had to take the risk in order to figure that out.  The best things in life are the risks we would otherwise not have taken.  The risk is worth it.  Just like life is worth it.  Really living life is to take risks.  The people in our life make or break our life.  Just like one bad apple, toxic person can ruin a team, so goes not wasting time with a negative person as a friend.  This includes family members.  Once I figured this out, I can keep a tab on my optimism by those surrounding me.
  Looking at life with rose colored glasses can sometimes make everything seem better without the world bending to your will to make it what you think you want it to be.  The unexpected that you do not know you would even like comes along and opens your eyes to new and exciting delights to amaze and become a potential ah ha moment.  I am a sunset person myself.  If I want to be amazed or ponder my existence.  The northern lights are out tonight.  If I want to ponder the awesome earth and universe that we live in and how small I am, this location in Michigan suits me just fine.  I am free to see that those little wants and desires I have and all that I can do is so small in this life that they could not really matter, but they do matter.  They matter to me.  That is really all that counts when it comes down to the day you do not get to go out into the world anymore.  Happiness with yourself.  Good night the sweet pitcher who is throwing me these curve balls through the air of my life.

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