Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laden is dead

  Boy, this almost a decade to find and kill the impetus to the 9/11/01 attacks on America is ridiculous.  He was not in some remote, mountainous area.  He was comfortably in a Pakistani town with a safe house that became a strong hold for years.  He lived with his family and ran operations through no internet or phone.  With the technology today, it is amazing to me that this took so long to track down one guy.

  With all of that being said, I am glad that they found him and he is not alive anymore to spread his ideals to others.  I fear those that will want repercussions for his death, including his young children and followers.  This opens up more terror from other fronts in the future as well.  There may be future attacks planned by others, but we really got ourselves in this mess from years of giving to one side and then turning around and calling them our enemies.  There is no sure-fire way of ending this war, especially with Osama deceased, what will indicate the end of the war?  Does the government have a definition of what signifies the end of this war?  I really do not think so.  As happy as I am to say I do not want or have to go oversees and fight for America.  I am grateful and respectful of those that step up and go do that job.  Thank you to all the armed forces and the men and women that take on that extremely difficult task of securing a future for Americans and others across the world.

  Cheers to May 1st, 2011 as I sat with my husband watching television when the news special report flashed across the screen.  Just 2 days after the royal wedding in Britain, Osama is gone.  A small bit of justice for those that suffered in the 9/11 attacks.  I am certain the taste of a victory was sweet to those that got to pull of a successful mission with such far reaching aftermath as finding Osama and getting to do the job personally.  I hope they get free beer or whatever beverage they want for the rest of their life.  Cheers.

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