Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Long Time In The Making

  So have you ever dreamed something and gotten it?  And then did you ever regret wishing for whatever it was because it was different than you thought it was going to be?  Disappointed or just not enamored with the idea of your dream anymore?  Well, this is not that case.  As long as this has taken, and as unexpected as the timing has occurred, it is a miracle.  Everything is better than I thought it would be, but also still stressful as everything is uncertain until it actually comes to fruition.  You are not going to get paid until the check is deposited in the bank or the cash is in hand.  All the work and potential hopefully leads to a favorable outcome and that indicates a healthy baby in this case.

  Spreading the word slowly has been good to let the reality sink in and telling those friends and family that we are closest to.  No one can know what will happen and whether this pregnancy will result in a happy healthy baby, but I am confident that telling people at this point is as safe as possible as I cannot fit any of my "normal" clothes anymore.  Every symptom in the book I have had, but heading into the second trimester has eased the most severe of those symptoms.  I love hearing the happy tidings from those that wish us well.  It makes my heart swell even more.  I have tempered optimism that grows every day.  The happiest will be in late October or November when I hold that healthy baby in my arms at our home.  My husband is so good to me and I am glad I have him to lean on through this process and whatever comes in the future. YaY! Pregnant... woohoo!

  What's going on right now?  13.5 weeks:  Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, their veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and their body is starting to catch up with their head — which makes up just a third of their body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

  I have to mention the royal wedding that took place yesterday.  I only say Kate and William coming out of the church after the wedding was over, but Kate's lace veil and dress were beautiful!  Everything a princess should look like.  Calm, beautiful, smiling, relaxed, and enjoying every moment.  Poised and sweet, the couple looked right at home with all the pomp and circumstance.  I really congratulate them as I imagine that was a difficult day to get through and I wish them well in the future.  I wish them male and female children.  I wish them fun and fidelity.  Enjoy marriage you two!

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