Sunday, March 6, 2011

Back to the grind and sports news

  So, I start my process of working on Monday.  It seems like its been a long time coming, but it also seems like life has gone by so quickly since I decided to take this chance.  I look forward to learning completely new things in experiences that I would not have ever expected before.  I do not even know what to expect. That is a part of the thrill and the scariness of something new.  I love the occupying of my day by things other than what is on my own to-do list.  I know there will be no real regularity or routine for my hours, but there will always be flexibility built in to the schedule.

  I love the thought of "doing lunch" with girlfriends and meeting new people everyday.  I can workout at a consistent time despite any obligations I will have.  I am not a morning person per se, so this arrangement will work out very well for me.  I get to do my hair for work, rather than just a pony tail.  I get to dress for success and not for the fluids that will be spilled on me potentially all day long.  There is something to be said for a laugh break and office shenanigans.  I know there will be some office politics involved, but I am certain they will be nothing like I have experienced and/or endured in the past.  Flexibility in hours can be intimidating because I am such a worker, how do I know when to call it a day.  I will have to just turn off the light sometime and say, "Now it's time to play."

  Going to my first hockey game with the work crowd as actually good.  My husband even had a good time.  I could see making Michigan Tech. hockey games to be a regular occurrence.  The game was a bust in that the home team played the best team in the league and lost.  Really, the time was spent networking and catching up with people that I know and seeing and be seen with my new colleagues.  Being associated people with a good reputation and wholesome qualities out in the public is a refreshing feeling.  I think reputation is earned and then can be taken away so easily by rumor.  I am pleased with my reputation and hope to maintain my integrity throughout my career no matter what endeavor I undertake.

  From hockey that is too new to tell if I like it yet to basketball that I am very familiar with and look forward to every year in March.  March Madness is coming and I'm excited.  The games, the excitement, the fantastic heart of the players all make keeping track of the brackets makes it worth while.  March 15th 2011 is the start of the games that count for post-season.  Love the Pac 10, Big 10 and I root for Iowa, Arizona and Michigan.  Sweet victory to all.  Cheers to the curves and jumps of the games and work in my life.

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