Friday, August 5, 2011

What to do tomorrow?

  Well, here are my options for tomorrow: work because one of my co-workers has to deal with Mayo. and cancer potentially coming back, go to Eagle Harbor for the Art Fair with a friend I haven't seen in a while- despite sitting in the back seat makes me car sick, go to Dreamland for the fish fry dinner and hang out at the camp, go to lunch or early dinner with my friend from Marquette and her family that might only be in town for the day, stay home to organize and clean, go to the lake to enjoy the serenity and beauty of nature and to allow my husband to go swimming and burn off some steam or sleep half the day and do a whole bunch of nothing.  Decisions, decisions.

A piece of art painted in acrylics for the Art Fair

  I do not have the energy to do it all so I think I may end up trying to do 2 or 3 of these options in one day and the rest the next day.  I miss going out to see friends, but I cannot be in 2 places at once.  I have a feeling today will be exercise, stretching, go to the office, then tonight finding out who will be in town and how my husband feels, whether we just head out to the lake or get projects going at the house or visit with friends.  I want to get a call into my sister sometime too.  Ah, things could be worse.  Have a good one.

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