Sunday, August 7, 2011

What A Gorgeous Day

 Going to the lake today was gorgeous.  Seventies, with a slight breeze and good sun and water.  I hung out in the water, sunned for a little while, hung out with various family, Tony made good grilled dinner and had a fantastic red sunset that streaked the water.  I just loved every minute of it.  I am so happy to be relaxed.  My swelling did not go away today and I am thankful to have a doctor's appointment on Thursday to see how I am doing.  No excited about the glucose test, but it must be done.

  Tomorrow will be spent running errands and getting business done with Tony.  I am going to keep moving around everything to clear out the baby's room and to streamline the house before the baby comes.  I am going to put a desk, glider rocker and printer on Craigslist this week.  I want to hit more garage sales this summer for baby things.  It seems the way to go for the variety and prices I cannot beat. We have been listening to Angels and Demons audiobook in the car when driving to and from the property after complete The Da Vinci Code on audiobook last week.  I should go to bed soon and quit dreaming about Hostess Twinkies and Chocolate Cupcakes!

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