Friday, August 12, 2011

Interesting Day

  Emotional day for this pregnant lady.  Had a hard time getting going this morning.  I did make it to run errands and to the office, but I had a good hour talk with an unexpected acquaintance.  I was surprised to have such a long talk, but it is comforting to know that I am not alone in dealing with emotional and traumatic issues of the past and trying to move on to have a happy family life.  It is great to know that coping and evolution of calm and peace is a process of tearing down the layers to get to the good stuff through time.  This woman who is 46 years old is still dealing with her childhood and parent traumas.  It will be a lifetime of recovery from everything that happened at such a young age.

  I hate to think all the trauma I went through was for a reason, but maybe I can spare my own child, family or friends from the same experience that I had.  I will not ever treat my child in anything besides love.  I am already preparing the speeches and information to pass on to my child for prevention and awareness in this life.  I know we will not have these conversations until many years down the road, but I am ready for the task.

  Cooler night, but really humid.  I'm hoping for good sleep to get up for a garage sale before the Eagle Harbor Art Fair.  This will be the last harrah with this friend and want to enjoy the time we have.  Hope the rain holds off.

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