Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

I want to go see Captain America or Cowboys and Aliens, but I want air conditioning in the theatre.  The last time I went it was so hot and smelly, I never want to repeat that experience again!  Sad to forego my movie going experience for the summer.  I do not want to travel to go to a movie either.  We are truly going to become a Red Box and/or Netflix family.  I really do not want to do that, but it may happen.

I am reading Spiritual Midwifery and cannot seem to burn quickly through it.  I should just give it up, but I want to hear about all the potential complications that can happen with childbirth, many times without the woman being in a hospital for birthing their child.  I need another Sookie Stackhouse book to tide me over, but the author would have to write a new one again as I am fully updated at this point.

I am hungry.  Do I have the cinnamon roll that is calling my name, leftover Chinese food or the fruit smoothie that would serve me the best?  Hmm... decisions, decisions.  I want to get out of the house in 45 minutes for exercise, stretching, office time then the property.  I want some berry picking and feet in Lake Superior water.

Today, I am getting chores done at night, not at the peak of the heat during the day.  What a good plan.  Now, the baby is demanding food.  Mostly the baby demands fluids.  What a smart and active kid already.  Cannot wait to meet them.

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