Thursday, August 4, 2011


  Today I closed my first real estate deal today.  I have never worked harder for such a small payment.  Great experience for future deals, but I cannot believe that these are hoops that people have to jump through all the time for the underwriters.  I know they are picky these days, but wow, this house is in good standing and is a typical Michigan house and my buyer was pre-approved.  My advice, use a local bank that understands the condition of the local homes and real estate.

  It was 90 degrees today!  HOT day, but cool night last night let the house stay cool today.  I'm hoping for rain this weekend so I can get my cleaning and organizing done.  Oh yes, good stuff.  I had a great call from Steph. and got to see Joanne today :)  Love communicating with the girls.  It really does will for me to stay connected and gives me a perspective that I cannot get otherwise.

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