Monday, August 8, 2011

Productive Day!

  So excited to have had a productive day!  I have been waiting for such a day.  I am hoping I can carry it into tomorrow to keep checking things off of my list.  I can hear the thunder and see flashes of lightening periodically right now.  So good for my garden!  Gorgeous day today again.  Seventies, some clouds, no breeze, sunshine all day and got to run errands and spend the day with my husband.

  I marked off some sewing projects that I have had for years!  I am so glad to have been in the mood to get that done.  I sewed a nursing cover today.  Chocolate brown with light blue flowers on it in flannel fabric.  I like how it turned out.  I hope it works as it should, otherwise I will have to tweak it a bit, no problem.  My house is getting more organized and cleaned through this weekend.  I am hoping by the end of the week I will be so pleased I can go to the Eagle Harbor Art Fair next Saturday and not be thinking about what else I could be getting done.

Nursing cover I made today

  I decided to go digital with my record keeping.  I am looking into scanning many documents I have in my firebox that are just taking up space and I have had over 15 years.  I do not know if I need those documents, but I hate to throw them out.  It will take some time, but it will be worth it to open up more space in the firebox for new documents to take their place.  Good stuff.  OK, I am going to bed.  Tony will be happy.  Good night moon.

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