Friday, February 24, 2012

Crib Sleeping

OK, it is time to set a nap routine and a sleep schedule.  I also want to establish a going to bed routine.  This is the time to get this straight.  Right now he sleeps in his swing for everything, unless at night when I can get him to fall asleep and transfer him to the pack n play.  Tonight I got him some serious tummy time and playing on a flat surface.  He is on the verge of turning over.  He almost turned over by "accident" tonight.  So fun.  He is such a talker adding spit talking to his repertoire of Kchhh, babble and mam for mom.  He uses his big boy voice when he wakes up and lets me know most of the time without crying anymore.  He cries most when he is really tired or wakes up and neither one of his parents are in sight or he is hungry or needs an immediate diaper change.

He is doing well with cloth diapers during the day.  I plan to ween him from disposables completely unless traveling.  He is tolerating the difference well.  It helps him have limited sleep during the day also.  He has reverted back the last 2 days from waking every 3 hours to eat or every 1-3 hours last night! No sleep at all.  He only napped a total of 3 hours today and they were in 30 minute to 1 hour stents.  I hope he sleeps tonight.

I rocked him, put on soft music, changed him into his pajamas and laid him into his crib awake tonight.  He fell asleep on his own after sucking on his fingers for a while while staring at the stickers and quilt hanging on the wall next to his crib by the light of the Monkey lamp night light.  This is the first time he has soothed himself to sleep by himself and in his crib!  I am beyond excited.  It starts with one time and then a pattern I hope.  He ate crazy many times today.  I am hoping he will stay asleep and not be hungry as he ate twice within 2 hours just before laying down.  He is so big it is scary.

I am happy to report I am using my portion plates and have the desire to exercise and watch what I eat now that I have the time and energy, sleep dependent that is.  I need to get back to the masseuse and acupuncturist soon, but one is busy and one is on maternity leave.  There really is not substitute for someone who knows your needs and can make you feel better after an appointment.  The chiropractor has helped me so much that I have delayed seeking immediate help from another practitioner, but the time is nigh.  My wrists gave out and were sharply painful today when I tried to support my weight on it when playing with Adam.  Also, my numbness is extending the period of time when it occurs now, lasting many more minutes at a time.  Not a good sign.  My muscles spasms on my back in my rib area are more frequent daily as well.  Ah, cannot imagine as he gets bigger how I am going to pick him up, even from the pack n play.  He will be trained early to walk if I can help it.

Time for bed with visions of my sister's visit dancing in my head.  What a great time.  I know I need to treasure it as I do not know when, if ever, it will happen again.  Ah, the sound of a happy baby sleeping. What I like better is the sound of a happy mommy sleeping :)

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