Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Oh the headache of it all

These days I spend a great amount of time interpreting my headaches.  I get them daily.  Most times they represent low blood sugar.  Few and far between they mean I have tension in my muscles, stress or sinus inflammation.  Today, sinus inflammation.  Yesterday I got my massage to relax my muscles as much as possible, I do not feel stressed.  I ate and worked out today and I was tuckered out thoroughly.  Twenty minutes after eating I fell asleep on the couch.  I woke about 2 hours later to find it is dinner time and the rest of the work day was gone.

Despite my nap, my headache persists so this narrows it down to sinus inflammation.  The white pollen coats the yards of grass at our neighbor's places.  The yellow pollen coats the streets, cars and sidewalks visibly.  I was gardening for hours yesterday.  I broke down and took a Benadryl to see if it will work.  This means I may fall asleep again, but to be headache free it would be worth it.  I hope so as I have things to do, people to see, etc. etc.  The day is beautiful, no reason to waste it.  Maybe I can still get my walk in.  We will see.  Dinner is wafting through the doorway.  I must now go answer it's call.  My gracious husband brought me dinner.  So sweet.  Oh baby, flutter away.  I will feed us both, no worries.

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