Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sick, Sick, Sick...

  Oh, I have not had a cold in a very long time.  I forgot how all encompassing the symptoms can be.  They really are debilitating and should not be shared with the world or co-workers.  I am staying home, but have gotten nothing done since we came home from vacation.  That long list of to-do and cleaning have been put on hold.  I canceled all appointments and have not gotten to the grocery store yet.  We are living off of what's in the pantry and freezer.  I am being really creative with what little we have.  Tony got symptoms slower than I did, but he finally stayed home today as he was so run down, headache, sore throat, coughing, etc.

  Sometimes when I am sick I think, "Wow, how I take for granted being healthy most of the time."  I try not to take medicines, but have embraced alternatives for my symptoms.  The humidifier is a life saver.  The honey, vinegar and/or saline rinses to gargle are great too.  I think sleep is key and to keep the vitamins coming.  I really cannot be 100% to work so I would rather not give only a percentage of my potential, I would rather just come another day to give it my all.  I know my focus and functionality is so limited when I am distracted by illness that the quality of my work suffers and no one should have to deal with that.  I would rather others do the same and just stay home to get better.

  I know I get hit especially hard when I get sick as my immune system is constantly being tested compared to Tony who is exposed to everything all the time.  He's tough and his immune system is up for the challenge.  I cannot wait to feel well again.  Sleeping and sleeping, getting nothing done feels like such a waste of time, but I know illness is nature's way of telling me to slow down.  Slowing down makes me appreciate the time that is coming that I will be very busy.  Working and life can get so hectic that if I do not slow down every once in a while the best of life can be passing me by.  The last 2 weeks in Arizona with friends and family have been so short in the grand scheme of things, but so precious as those moments are so rare.  I hope there comes a day that we do not have to re-hash our childhood and the ridiculous idiosyncrasies of our family and we can just live in the now.  Every family is their own brand of crazy.  Hah

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