Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day By Day

Adam can now count to 20!  What a guy.  His new phrases are, "Stop it! Let go!," and " Want it!"  He is really showing his colors for what an independent and decisive guy he is growing to be.  I find it disconcerting that he is already figuring out what in this world he finds interesting or not.  He is still sick with a cold (day 8) but is just congested and runny nosed now.  No fever for 2 days.  Thankfully he is back to eating and drinking like a champ.
Being down to one nap a day makes me sad and more tired, as I was napping when he napped.  However, he now does not need the fan fare of going to sleep.  He once demanded rocking and singing for 10 minutes before he would let go and sleep.  Now I let him wear himself out and decide when and where the nap will take place.  I no longer try to accommodate his sleep regimen.  He will now fall asleep drinking or if he looks like he's leaning on furniture or toys sleepily I will pick him up and just sit down with him.  He will then be asleep in 2 minutes without any "extras." I am glad that napping comes easier to him.  He will go right to sleep if he gets into his car seat, even for a couple minutes, in the middle of the day going anywhere.  That is nice and nice to know.  No quick stops then if I have to get him in and out.  I have to plan for it, but it is worth the accommodation for him to get the nap in peacefully.
I'm fully blooming, more every day, for this baby.  We still cannot agree on names and Adam is no help.  He chose Cookie and Doughnut to be the names that he liked.  Hah.  Funny.  Really there are names I like that I would not actually consider naming by boy.  They sound good in theory, but spending the rest of your life with that name does not sound good to me.
Not excited for the 10-12 inches of heavy wet snow coming our way in then next 2 days.  I know there is an end in sight, but I am anxious to be done with it.  The storms now are just coming one after the other.  Rain/snow mix for the next 6 of 7 days!  Better than 100 degrees though!  I will live with it.  I could use sunshine though.  Ah, the sun and sleep make everything better.
The boys are sleeping so it is my turn to turn in.  I cannot stop reading The Dream Jumper book.  I am nearly done and just do not want to put it down.  Sleep is more important though.

Adam and his work bench for Easter.  Fun! 

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