Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall Is Going, Going,...

What a beautiful walk today!  Despite the cool wind blowing (we just covered up), we walked for almost 2 hours.  Beautiful colors despite the wind.  The leaves are hanging on more than I thought they would.  Adam was snuggled in the stroller and could not fall asleep as he enjoyed the excitement too much.  He crashed when we got home though.

Adam's impetigo on his chin is full blown again.  Looks terrible.  It went from almost gone to just as bad as it has been.  I do not know what I am going to do to get him to heal.  He only has 3 days of antibiotics left!  Poor guy cannot stop scratching and picking at it.  I may have to make him wear mittens.  I am sure he will love that.

What a blessing to have this family.  Tony made me delicious chicken (salt, pepper and brown sugar) and fantastic cookies (dried cherry oatmeal).  So wonderful.  Adam is sweet, funny and in such a good mood today.  Those teeth do sometimes get the best of him, but today he just drooled and was spit talking.  Love watching him enjoy his chicken meals that are his favorite.  Eleven months old tomorrow!!!  So happy.

On the road again this week. I know Adam is not excited, but we hope to enjoy the festivities and to have clear travel weather.  The snow and ice pellets this weekend were enough to drive me inside.  Hope to not have that when we go.  The bone chilling wind was terrible.  Not a good way to go towards winter so abruptly.  I wanted to hold off passed Halloween for parties and the like.  Who knows.

GO YANKEES!! in the playoffs.  Just a couple of weeks ago we were there.  We saw a win.   Hope we get one tonight.

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