Halloween is coming... too many costume choices. How do I just choose one?!?!?
What about just one for the kids? Well, Brian is set. Now on to Adam.
Dishwasher is DEAD. Sent out for parts to fix it.
Today, clothes washer just DIED. Totally dead after apparently limping along for a long time. Sad. Expensive.
Good thing we had no travel plans as we cannot afford them anyway. All our money went to baby, house and broken things in the house this year. That freezer chest on my wishlist and new Suburban to replace our Suzuki that is in need of repair are now going to stay in my dreams for the foreseeable future. Ah, hoping that is the lot for this year. Really, we're still paying for the hospital bills, on top of the new ones that are scheduled right now.
LOVE the Fall. In denial that winter's coming, but the colors outside our window are GORGEOUS. SO happy to be staring at color and pretty foliage throughout the year. Glad to have roads for walks, trails for hiking, hills for sledding... the list goes on. Happy with the house, but the move continues. I know I'll feel settled in time, but it will be months before a routine of any kind emerges.
Need to go to the property this week as the weather will be nice and it will just get colder from here on out. Miss going to play, but we did not get the heat of the summer this year anyway. Hope next summer is a swimming summer. Two running around boys then. Sweet. Look forward to Christmas just for the looks on their faces. Eeeee
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