Sunday, September 30, 2012

Busy Bee

So much going on these days.  We still have not caught up since being out of town.  Laundry, dishes, etc.  We had a great trip to NYC, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Washington D.C.  I am so glad that we went on this extensively driven all over the place vacation.  Grateful that my uncle drove us everywhere and his wife would make us dinner.  Next year, I feel Adam will not tolerate being in the car seat for that many hours.  He was not happy to fall asleep for bed time in the car and I do not blame him.  We will not be taking long trips next year.

I loved the Washington Monument, but I was surprised how much I loved the Lincoln Memorial.  Gettysburg was so eye-opening that I recommend a visit for everyone.  This trip was all-American, but it was on my bucket list too.  I have no desire to go to Philadelphia ever again.  It gave me a negative vibe, creepy, too many security cameras and measures on buildings.  Glad I went to experience the area though.  I loved Amish country and would like to go again.  We did not get to shop much, but we saw  the sights.  Adam loved the Echo Caverns, but not the dark.  He was hungry at the time also.  Hershey, PA was great and we only saw the tip of the ice burg.  I would like to get Tony on the rides there.  I think he would enjoy.

Now is the time to tackle my Fall to-do list.  Continuing education, license renewal, winterizing, sewing, parties, birthdays and holidays following all of this.  I want to dust and clean before winter comes.  This is a tall task with a busy little boy all over the place and my lack of sleep.  I'm getting better at the lack of sleep part, but I definitely prefer more sleep.  Not happy to have the heat on when we got back from our trip, but it feels good now.  Love walking in the Fall.  Peak is now, time to enjoy the colors today!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

10 Months Old Today

Ten months old today!! Cannot believe where the time has gone?!  I am ready for Fall and not ready at the same time.  I am really enjoying the temperatures, but loved swimming in Lake Superior.  My big boy is on the move and wants to be on the move outside.  Too bad we have so many bees by our house these days.  Fun to celebrate today, but he is teething again and his face is so fragile from all the drool and abrasion throughout the day.  Poor thing cannot seem to heal before another tooth decides to erupt.

My allergies and neck tension have been terrible lately.  I am in between stretching enjoyably and uncomfortably.  My muscles just need that last umph toward getting back into pre-baby shape.  I will be happy to snow shoe this year, just have to figure out how to get Adam there with me.  He'll ride being pulled I am sure.  

Happy boy is only napping once a day now, so bed time is finally a more reasonable hour.  Very excited about this.  He's growing up and I cannot stop it.  Ah, the toddler that he is.  Loving anything, within reason, that we eat these days.  That will cut my portion in half because he wants to eat what I am having.  Love to share.  Bed time now.  

Monday, September 3, 2012

So Much Going On

There has been so much going on it has been overwhelming.
My almost 10 month old son is weaning himself from nursing.  I am sad to see him letting go, but glad he is meeting his milestones.  He's crawling everywhere, letting go of furniture and dive walking toward us 3-4 steps at a time.  He is brave and tough, especially learning to walk.  He crawled and walked up stairs, is talking more, getting to be a picky eater already (does not like pureed food anymore, he's not a baby!), exploring fearlessly, loves outside and playing with others.  Leaps and bounds of new accomplishments for Adam.  So happy to watch him grow and change.

I had a personal first this weekend.  I ziplined for the first time into Lake Superior.  I loved it so much I went 6 times into the warm water.  What a perfect day.  Gorgeous red sunset and good friends and family to share it with.  I had a good time.

Today I had an allergic reaction to some unknown source.  It scared me and once again brought me back to everyday mindfulness, setting mini-goals, what life would be if I was not here tomorrow, enjoying every moment I get with Adam and Tony, meditation and trying to not sweat the small stuff.  It made me re-evaluate the direction my life is going and inspired me to get going in the direction I want to pursue.  It scares me I do not know the source of my allergic response, but I feel if it was going to be an anaphylactic one, it would have already happened.

Taking a trip to knock off another to-do off of my bucket list.  Going to see a Yankees game and Washington D.C.  I feel this trip is a cornerstone of directing how my life is going to go.  I'm excited and in awe of how profound this trip means to me.  Life is so short.  I want to make my impact, but stress less and indulge in exercise more than food and media.  Ah, the ways we comfort ourselves.  Coping skills are different for everyone.  My head throbs right now, so its time for medicine and bed time!