Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This Guy...

This is a picture of a 9 month 1 week old boy.

This guy has been consistently crawling on the bed.

This guy has been scooting on his bum while sitting.

This guy has been getting better at walking with and without help.

This guy consistently pulls himself up onto furniture now.

This guy will intentionally sit to turn the pages and look through books.

This guy says mama, dada, bah, up, abuh, ball, bird, uhbuh.

This guy laughs at books and other babies laughing.

This guy is a good sleeper, but goes to bed late.

This guy does not like to get his nails filed.

This guy no longer eats sand while playing in it.

This guy grinds his teeth and craves crunchy foods.

This guy can go to sleep on his own in a dark room if he is ready to go to bed and tired enough.

This guy will nap anywhere if he is tired enough.

This guy is loved and loving.

This guy gives kisses.

Happy to have this guy in my life.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

9 Months old

9 Months OLD already.

What a joy.  He was meant to be my little boy.  I cannot believe how fun he is.  I love every minute I get to spend with him.  I think he will teach me much more than I'll ever teach him.  Happy to have such happiness in my life.  Cannot wait for more.  I do already lament him not being a baby baby anymore, but he will not turn 18 for a long time (smile). Sleeping like a baby right now.  I'm already planning his first birthday party in my head.  Ah, and he won't even appreciate it.  Still fun.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Good Things In My Head

I am turning a corner on my roller coaster of life.  I can feel the change coming over me.  It is a positive change and will be great.  I can just tell, great.  I am so close to feeling better in my home.  Nothing a little feng shui could not fix. I just gave to Goodwill yesterday, not enough, I am still on the hunt for more to give.  I feel we are close to babyproofing for a toddler on the move. 

Adam has another tooth visibly erupting.  He sat up and pulled himself up for the first time by himself within the last 2 days.  He is sleeping erratically and his teeth are definitely a contributing factor.  He is developing his love of books and sat for 20 minutes just looking at books 2 days ago.  I love it.  He is such a smiler.  We have been enjoying family walks in this warm summer we are having.

I am ready for Adam's big boy bed to be ready so we can set a sleep routine and get him to stick to it.  Hoping for tonight for that.  I am ready for some rain for my poor flowers.  This summer heat has been brutal for my newly planted plants.  I do not care if the lawn is yellow, dead plants are just sad.  I want to have to mow again.  We have only mowed less than a handful of times this summer.  Rain dance, rain dance.

Hope tonight will be a great relaxing time together.  I plan on getting on a sleep schedule of my own.  I am not a morning person, will likely never be, but I want more out of my day.  I want to wake up, to exercise and stretch, to eat, shower, meditate and to start my day.  I do not want to be groggy all the time.  This is for the birds.  I need to be able to accomplish a great deal before Adam wakes up and then I will enjoy my day fully.  This means going to bed, but that should not be a problem if I get more done in the morning.  Also, I will be tired if I get up early.  I will put him to bed with an hour to spare at night also, giving me time for chores, work or down time.  This is my plan.  I am envisioning my plan in my head so I can instate it.  I close my eyes and picture a productive, well rested mommy that enjoys the whole day.  Ah, feels good.

I joined pinterest and thought it would consume all of my time.  I am prepared to do some major brain storming and this will be the best forum for it.  I have only just begun with my dreaming.