Monday, June 25, 2012

Beach Day

  What a perfect beach day today.  Just a few hours of bliss, but worth it and oh so wonderful.  No bugs, nice temp and good company.  He loved to see the sand fall and ate some five times before we left.  Adam just loves the outdoors, the sand and the water.  He kicks his legs in preparation for swimming when he gets near water.  Cannot wait to get him swimming!!  Should be the best.  Loved my productive day.  Hope tomorrow is just as good as I have to pack on Wednesday.

  We are having our house trim, window casings and back door painted.  Also, we are having our foundation stained.  Tony removed the bushes in front that I loathed and I have a plan for that area once the stumps are removed.  I am planting blue hydrangeas with a hosta border on one side and a rhododendron with hostas on the other.  So excited.  It will be like a new house.  Next step, estate planning. Ah, not looking forward to that.  It must be done though.  Ah lawyers, take them or leave them.  I prefer to leave them.  That being said, I cannot wait until my brother-in-law passes his boards so he can work for me.  Hurry it up!  I need you.  Pray for our safe travels this week.  Thanks.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mackinaw Island

  Sweet time on the island!!!  Loved hanging out, what a worthwhile trip!  Lots of good people that I like to see.  Lots of positivity and sweet gestures.  Tough to cover all the bases, but fun.  Love Adam enjoying himself.  He is such a trooper.  I am so happy to have him in my life.  What a great trip.  I am glad we changed our minds last minute to attend.  It will be a while before we will go again, likely, so we have to live it up now.  Love the restaurants and ambiance.  I do not know why, but I get such a good vibe from some of the places here.  I put my mind at ease.  The weather was not the best, but it could have been much worse.  Great sleeping and accommodations at the Lilac Tree hotel.  The clopping horses are wonderful.  The lilac smell is great.  I look forward to our ferry ride home tomorrow.  Hope for good travel weather and my fill of fudge.  Time to sleep.  Long day of walking and playing.  The Grand hotel was great as always.  Love the old time feel, class and standards.  Great foods, drinks and opportunities.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy 8th Anniversary

  Happy Anniversary to the man who keeps me sane.  What a wonderful day spent at the lake.  So hot, and yet nice at the lake.  Such a great time together.  Could not have asked for a better day.  Been together for 12 years, but yesterday we celebrated 8 years of marriage.  I would never have believed anyone if they told me what my life would look like today.  When we started out I definitely could not have foreseen what has happened.  Most major life events we have experienced and I can tell you no one is prepared for that.  Tony really takes care of me and I am grateful for him everyday.  Looking forward to Mackinac Island this Father's day weekend, just like when we went on our honeymoon.  Sweet.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

7 Months Old

My little monkey

7 months old and loving the beach on Lake Superior

  I cannot believe how time has flown by.  I could not imagine what he would look like or how big he would be at this age.  He is 29 inches long and 22.5 pounds.  He is the light of my life. His personality is constantly changing.  Instead of crying for things now, he first yells at me with his deep voice.  Disconcerting as he is so big and demanding.  He is eating 2 good size meals and only takes 2 naps a day now.  He sleeps through the night and is loving every minute of it.  No more waking up!  He loves outside and demands to go outside daily.  He knows the word and if you say outside, and do not take him, he throws a protest.  He is a sponge and quick at paying attention.  Watch what you say and do, he will catch on quickly.  So happy.

  He is wearing a 24 month Carter's outfit in these pictures.  He has outgrown all other brands of this size besides Children's Place.  He has short legs for 2 T pants, but the seat fits well usually.  I cannot wait for his birthday.  Clothes, books and big boy toys!  He is dying for a sturdy big plastic truck, a remote control car or truck with big tires and a pair of big boy shoes as soon as we know what size he will be wearing then.  His foot is thicker, but not as long so shoes fit him funny right now.  He will be running before I know it!  Too big for the crib, we had to move a twin bed into the nursery.  Now we need a frame and a way to secure him in the bed when he can walk.  Should be interesting.  Good thing his daddy is a handy and creative guy.

  Go to a movie or the Continental Fire Company for our anniversary?  Hmmm...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lake Superior Summer Fun

Kenny and Adam yelling, "Hey!"

Loves the sand! 
My Sailor

   What a great day!  Loved getting pics for State Wide today.  Loved the 80s weather, the sunshine, smiley baby, warm sand, visit with family and friends, slept through the night, chores done, energized and ready to enjoy the day.  So happy living life today.  I wish everyday could be this easy and fun.  Thank you.  Good night.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sleeping, Now What

OK, so Adam is sleeping through the night now. Hooray. I think tomorrow I will be better rested, but I still feel sluggish. I think I need some fresh air and a motivated day to get unpacked. He is not one to occupy himself so it will be nap times I get something done.  Great day to explore the yard, swing, grill out and watch him stand holding a bin or the mattress.  He leans so far to grab toys now, he almost goes into a crawling position, but pulls back before the brink of no return. Clever boy.  He loves us and is tons of fun. There is nothing I would rather be doing. This time spent is once in a lifetime.